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Google is the most visited site in the world, with over 92% of the search engine market share. A Google Business Profile (formerly called Google My Business) is one of the important ways to connect with millions of potential customers and capture them to the business via Google search and map.

What is Google Business Profile (GBP)

Google Business Profile is a free and easy-to-use tool for businesses to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. Creating and optimizing your Google Business Profile is a great way to improve your online presence and help potential customers find you. By providing accurate and up-to-date information, adding high-quality photos, and using keywords in your profile, you can make it easier for people to discover your business on Google. 

What is Google Business Profile Messaging?


Google Business Profile Messaging, in a nutshell, is a messaging application within the Google Business Profile. This allows the customers to get directly in touch with a business straight from their GBP post.

This means that customers can communicate with the business straight from Google search results without the need to go to the business website and search for the contact number or email address.

How does it work?

GBP Messaging works just like any messaging app and works instantly. When a customer activates the messaging feature, they will be able to see the Messaging button right from the GBP post. This button is visible when the profile comes up via Google Search or Google Maps.

What are the benefits of using Google Business Profile Messaging?

There are various great reasons why a business needs to activate GBP messaging right away. 

Increased Engagement

One of the primary benefits of using Google Business Profile Messaging is that it can help to increase engagement with the business. An easy way for current and potential customers to connect to the business gives them a higher chance to reach out and learn more about the product or service. And with proper responses, GBP Messaging will allow the business to develop a strong rapport with customers.

More Personalized Communication

Another benefit of using Google Business Profile Messaging is that it allows for more personalized communication between the brand and the customers. When customers message the business through their Google Business Profile, they are able to include their name, photo, and location; this can help businesses create an environment where customers feel comfortable asking questions and engaging in conversation. This type of communication can help to build customer loyalty and increase the chances that they will return to your business in the future.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Using Google Business Profile Messaging can also help to increase customer satisfaction. Customers who message the business through their Google Business Profile are more likely to be satisfied with the communication they receive than those who do not. This is likely due to the fact that messaging through a Google Business Profile allows customers to easily get in touch with the company and resolve any issues they may have. 

Improved Customer Retention

Another benefit of using Google Business Profile Messaging is that it can help to improve customer retention. Any negative experience a customer has will easily be dealt with if there is a proper communication channel to address it. GBP Messaging is one way for customers to reach out to a business about a bad experience, and a business can turn this opportunity to make a better impression on the customer.

Greater ROI

Finally, using Google Business Profile Messaging can also help to generate a greater return on investment (ROI). Because Google is a website that receives the most visits, having a messaging option ready is an excellent way to connect with the customers and market to them, which in turn increases the ROI.

Best Practices when using GBP Messaging

Respond promptly

When customers reach out to your business through Google My Business messaging, it’s important to respond promptly. Customers appreciate businesses that take the time to answer their questions, and they are more likely to do business with companies that they feel are responsive. Plus, this is a metric that Google focuses its attention on. They want businesses to follow up promptly.

Be professional

It’s also important to be professional when communicating with customers through Google My Business messaging. This means avoiding slang or abbreviations and using proper grammar and punctuation. Customers will appreciate your professionalism, and it will reflect well on your business.

Keep messages short and to the point

When customers message your business, they likely have a specific question or concern that they want to be addressed. As such, it’s important to keep your messages short and to the point. Long-winded messages can be confusing, and customers may not have the patience to read them.

Use customer service language

When communicating with customers, it’s important to use language that is commonly used in customer service. This includes phrases like “thank you for your question” or “I’m happy to help you with that.” Using this type of language will make your messages seem more personal and sincere.

Avoid using auto-responses

While it may be tempting to use auto-responses when messaging customers through Google Business Profile, it’s important to avoid doing so. Auto-responses can often come across as impersonal and robotic, and they may not address the customer’s specific question or concern. If you do use an auto-response, be sure to customize it so that it seems more personal.

Avoid Spamming

It is also important to avoid spamming customers with messages. Spamming can annoy customers and make them less likely to do business with you. If you do send promotional messages, be sure to include an opt-out option so that customers can choose not to receive future messages from you.

Use Visual Elements Wisely

When using visual elements in messages, such as images or videos, it is important to use them wisely. Visual elements should add value to the message and should not be used simply for the sake of using them. Additionally, avoid using too many visual elements in a single message, as this can be overwhelming for customers.

Monitor Message Performance

After sending a message, it is important to monitor its performance. This includes tracking things like open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates. Monitoring message performance will help you improve your messaging strategy over time and ensure that your messages have the desired effect on your audience

Final thoughts

Creating and optimizing your Google Business Profile is one of the most important things you can do for your business. With over 92% of the search engine market share, if you’re not on Google, you’re losing out on potential customers. Make sure to claim your profile, fill out all of the information accurately and completely, and optimize it for SEO. By doing so, you ensure that your business shows up in relevant Google searches, as well as in Maps. And that could mean a lot more leads and sales coming your way. 

Need help growing your business? Visit Powr Connect for more information. 

Call tracking allows many businesses to take advantage of mobile phone technology to leverage their marketing efforts and reap the benefits. This is because about two-thirds of the worldwide population owns a mobile phone. This is approximately 5 billion people in total. If your business is not currently using call tracking, you are missing out on a major opportunity to reach more customers and improve your marketing efforts. 

What is Call tracking?

Call tracking is a technology that runs through the call services of a business. This program allows the business to locate the marketing source that drove the phone call. A business that uses this program can determine whether a phone call came from a social media ad, a web page, or any other online campaign. With the advancement of call tracking, businesses can determine what keyword drove the phone call.


How does it work?

A call tracking system provides a business with multiple phone numbers for each marketing campaign. Call tracking makes it easy to see where the leads are coming from and the business can optimize their campaigns for even better results. 

How Call Tracking Improves Your Marketing Return?

Once a customer or potential client is on the phone, the call-tracking feature captures the necessary data to use for marketing optimization, such as;

Providing insights into the marketing performance

Call tracing shows information about the person who is calling and if this is a new client or a repeat caller. This also provides data about the caller’s demographics, location, the reason for their call, and who they spoke with during their call. These data are critical for any marketer because this allows them to respond to market shifts, changes in customer mood, or problems within the campaign in a timely and efficient manner. 

Optimizing the performance of Ads

Proper optimization of Ads can only be done if there is solid data to refer to. With no metrics to back up the strategies, it is impossible to evaluate the results. Therefore, ensuring that data are captured and measured correctly is essential in the implementation of any marketing campaign.

Call tracking provides granular data needed to understand the performance of the current marketing campaign. It tells what specific campaign generated a call and allows for a better understanding of what the customers are engaging and responding to.

Determining the drivers for revenue

Call tracking enables a business to see where a call originated from, so they can tell what prompted a person to pick up the phone. The analytics allow businesses to see whether their marketing campaigns made a direct impact or if there are gaps within the marketing strategy that could be filled to increase traffic in the future.

If there is one particular product that is responsible for the phone call volume, this might be an area that needs further improvement. Correspondingly, if a certain campaign is not performing, the business can utilize the data from the call to identify areas for improvement. Perhaps, the need to improve and refine the messaging to increase traffic is evident.

Obtaining data-driven results

If a business runs an ad campaign without any analytics, there is no way for them to see whether the campaign worked. Furthermore, they will not be able to figure out what part of the campaign worked and what didn’t. 

As a business, making a data-driven decision requires analytics to deliver.  The efficiency of your channels can be determined using A/B testing with the data retrieved from the call tracker. 

Personalizing user experiences

Collecting consumer data helps capture insights about their common problems, habits, and experiences. Integrating the call tracking technology with the business CRM will provide a 360-degree view of customer insights and behavior. With this, a business can easily qualify leads and provide personalized content that can result in a conversion.

Tracking the results of the Marketing Campaign

The effectiveness of the call-tracking system still relies on the specific needs and expectations of the business. Marketers looking for more granular insights into the success of their campaigns need call-tracking software.

Keyword-level tracking

Allows the business to understand the phrases that are driving the most phone calls. This is particularly useful in evaluating the effectiveness of pay-per-click campaigns. With call tracking, the business will get a unique phone number for each campaign. Therefore, it is easy to point out which campaign receives the phone call and which keywords helped generate the leads.

Campaign-level tracking

This measures which, among all the marketing campaigns, converts the best. Call tracking provides a view of the call details directly from a dashboard, so it is easy to see the campaign that performed well. Both digital marketing campaigns and offline campaigns can be tracked at the campaign level.

Multi Channel attribution tracking 

In today’s age, customers are tech-savvier than ever. These customers use multiple channels, online and offline, to communicate with a brand. In order to raise their satisfaction, a business needs to offer an omnichannel customer experience. With the help of a call tacker, it is easier to track the journey of these customers as they move down the sales funnel. Most importantly, the business can compare which marketing channels generate more conversions.

Powr Connect Call Tracking System

Powr Connect offers a call tracking program that allows you to understand the number of calls and their sources and duration. Our call tracking also allows you to record calls for better analysis. With our unique features, businesses can easily acquire tracking numbers that the audiences can easily recognize with the use of local area codes.

All in all, Powr Connect call tracking is a valuable tool that can help you not only understand how your marketing dollars are being spent but also if they are effective. Additionally, recording calls provides you with an additional layer of understanding when it comes to the questions and needs of your customers. By taking advantage of these features, you can ensure that your business is running as smoothly as possible. Need help? Contact us today.

Text messaging automation is an excellent way to communicate with your customers and prospects. The fact that nearly everyone has their phone with them makes texting an obvious choice for businesses to connect with their customers.

In addition to the ability to connect more easily using automated text messaging, the business now also has the ability to send messages to groups of their customers and use automations to schedule this messaging to occur at specific times. The days of manually sending one message at a time is over.   

automated text message service

How important is text messaging for businesses?

The use of short message service (SMS or texting) solutions is a great way for businesses to reach their customers.. With the ability to quickly connect with others, it's an efficient route to send important reminders or info that gets noticed. 

There are many benefits of using an automated text message service. Here are seven of the most important ones:

  1. Increased efficiency – Automated text messages allow you to communicate with your customers more efficiently. In a fast-paced global market, companies must continually find ways to respond to their customers quickly. Having technology at their disposal can be an indispensable tool to ensure customer concerns are dealt with in the shortest possible time. 
  2. Increased customer satisfaction – Customers appreciate the convenience of automated text messages and find them helpful and informative, ensuring that their concerns are also attended to and making them feel that they are not being ignored. 
  3. Improved response time – Automated text messages improve your response time, as you don't have to spend time manually responding to each customer inquiry. Reduced costs – An automated text message service can save you money by reducing the staff needed to handle customer inquiries. 
  4. Improved accuracy – Automated text messages ensure that all customer inquiries are handled promptly and professionally. Having the appropriate response is also an effective way to ensure that your company's services are appropriately rendered, and customer inquiries are formally addressed. 

That said, the need for speed has never been more pressing than now with the rapidly increasing pace of life. Companies, nowadays, cannot afford to spend hours typing out responses, nor do people have time in their days anymore to browse everything they see all at once. This fast-paced lifestyle that people live in is why having an automated text system is now more essential. It will not just make your company's job easier, but it can also ensure that customer concerns are addressed appropriately time and time again. 

Despite the efficiency and accuracy that automated text messages provide to your business, one must also understand the potential setbacks it can incur, especially if this particular kind of marketing is something new for your company;


All in all, the pros of SMS marketing are clear. As for the cons are just a small price to pay for such an effective and economical way to reach your customers. That being said, Powr Connect is here whenever you need to go far and wide in your business.

Powr Connect is a software platform that allows businesses to send well thought-out automated responses to your customers. This way, a business can efficiently create the most appropriate response for a given situation and ensure that the right response is provided to them; ensuring customer inquiries are addressed and customer satisfaction is assured.

If you want to see your business get the recognition it truly deserves, while also getting that needed boost to your marketing potential, book a Discovery Call with us today or visit our website to find out more.
